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Stick Man?

Posted: Wed 20 May 2020, 18:10
by Mike Farley
This shot of an all but defunct tulip reminded me a bit of Stick Man, the main character in the children's story of the same name.

Stick Man.jpg
Stick Man?
Stick Man.jpg (58.06 KiB) Viewed 1985 times

Re: Stick Man?

Posted: Wed 20 May 2020, 19:50
by Tina
Ahhh Stick Man. I am so missing my grandchildren and their favourite book characters!
Hoping it won't be too long now.

Re: Stick Man?

Posted: Thu 21 May 2020, 18:35
by Mike Farley
Tina wrote:Hoping it won't be too long now.

Amen to that. Video calls are better than nothing but it is hard to see them growing up so quickly and not being there to see it.