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POTW 24 May 2020 - Long Shadows

Posted: Sat 30 May 2020, 15:22
by Mike Farley
Taking an evening constitutional (allowed by constitution ;) *) in my local woods, I ventured past the viewpoint which looks over a swathe of south London. There were some people taking in the last of the sun. Maybe not the best image I took during the week, but it made a change to the other work I have been creating recently. Incidentally, all that sky showed up just how much crud had ended up on the sensor. The camera does not have any technology to prevent the accumulation of dust, so occasionally I have to give it a clean. The most effective tool I have found is an Arctic Butterfly which I got "free" with a magazine subscription years ago. These days, they are horrendously expensive.

Long Shadows.jpg
Long Shadows.jpg (90.8 KiB) Viewed 2240 times

* This forum really needs a "groan" emoji. At the very least, I could have prefaced this post with a warning. :x

Re: POTW 24 May 2020 - Long Shadows

Posted: Sun 31 May 2020, 23:58
by Iggy
Freedom at last.
Nice capture.

Re: POTW 24 May 2020 - Long Shadows

Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2020, 09:06
by Mike Farley
Iggy wrote:Nice capture.

Thanks, Iggy.

Iggy wrote:Freedom at last.

To be fair, the woods have remained open, although as there are no fences it would not been possible to close them but social distancing was never an issue anyway. I am not sure if the latest regulations allow sitting on benches, but again there is no practical way to stop that happening short of a draconian removal of the bench. What has changed is that for a while it was possible to walk on the adjacent golf course which has since reverted to its primary function.