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Visit to Streatham Common

Posted: Fri 23 Oct 2020, 16:56
by Iggy
Today, I actually went out to the Rookery at the bottom of Streatham Common which I haven't been to before.
I drove there for 11 am and got some interesting nature images.
It started raining quite heavily at 12 but I stayed on for another half an hour sheltering under trees and playing with the squirrels.
Going out was a real tonic.
I will probably do this once or twice a week from now on, going to various parks.

I guess the first two images could do with a crop to stop the eye wandering about.
I kept the red berries in the robin image to give the autumnal feel but they are fighting for attention!
Any suggestions?

Re: Visit to Streatham Common

Posted: Sun 25 Oct 2020, 18:24
by Iggy
The images probably work better with a square crop.

Re: Visit to Streatham Common

Posted: Mon 26 Oct 2020, 08:08
by Mike Farley
That brings back memories. I are up close by so the Rookery and Norwood Grove were familiar haunts for family outings. When he was a toddler, on Sunday mornings I used to take my son to the Rookery to give my wife some relief from childcare duties. Happy days.

Re: Visit to Streatham Common

Posted: Mon 26 Oct 2020, 10:34
by Iggy
Checking the internet, Norwood Grove which I have not yet visited has a nice formal garden (just 1 image posted).
So could be worth a visit.

Re: Visit to Streatham Common

Posted: Mon 26 Oct 2020, 16:44
by Iggy
I did a short visit to Norwood Grove Park at lunchtime.
Lots of trees some showing autumnal colour.
The gardens around the White House however were not maintained.

By the way, one has to pay £2 per hour for parking in Sothwark Parks such as Dulwich Park.

Apparently, at Crystal Palace Park, Free parking is available at the Thicket Road and Anerley Hill and Crystal Palace Park Road entrances to the park.