Underwater photography, first steps
Posted: Wed 03 Oct 2012, 10:51
So as not to totally overload the thread with images, here is the link to the main flickr set -
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cedarsphot ... 049629440/
However, some of my favourites below. I know this is the photo sharing rather than image critique forum but considering some of these are certainly going to make it into competition entries, comments/critique is welcome! Especially in these cases, I often find images I like don't do well in competitions, so hoping your fresh eyes can spot ones that don't make the grade photographically.
Sea Anenome by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
Was on my list to get a shot of one of these, this happened on the very last dive so pleased I got one that's sharp. It's a sea anenome, the ends of those "stalks" sting you if you touch them. Low resolution to fit onto the forum.
Southern Stingray by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
Need to tidy up the edges of this one but we had a couple of these guys swimming all over us as we fed them squid. They aren't tame, still wild animals most definitely, but they visit an area offshore where fisherman used to throw the waste from their catch overboard. What's cool is that in this specific area the stingrays are happy to interact with people but as soon as they leave the area, normal wild behaviour resumes. Fascinating (and massively fun) experience.
Flamingo Tongue by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
For some reason I'm obsessed with these. They are basically sea slugs and eat the algae off the surface of coral. Getting a shot of one of these that's sharp when the sea fan it's sitting on is shifting in the current is really, really hard. Low res version to fit on the forum.
Sea Fan Silhouette by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
Entered this into a competition already, I did giggle when the judge said it was a very unusual sunset Not sure they picked up on the "sea" in the "Sea Fan Silhouette" title
Into the Blue by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
As you can see, once the squid ran out the stingray leaves and swims off into the blue...
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cedarsphot ... 049629440/
However, some of my favourites below. I know this is the photo sharing rather than image critique forum but considering some of these are certainly going to make it into competition entries, comments/critique is welcome! Especially in these cases, I often find images I like don't do well in competitions, so hoping your fresh eyes can spot ones that don't make the grade photographically.
Sea Anenome by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
Was on my list to get a shot of one of these, this happened on the very last dive so pleased I got one that's sharp. It's a sea anenome, the ends of those "stalks" sting you if you touch them. Low resolution to fit onto the forum.
Southern Stingray by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
Need to tidy up the edges of this one but we had a couple of these guys swimming all over us as we fed them squid. They aren't tame, still wild animals most definitely, but they visit an area offshore where fisherman used to throw the waste from their catch overboard. What's cool is that in this specific area the stingrays are happy to interact with people but as soon as they leave the area, normal wild behaviour resumes. Fascinating (and massively fun) experience.
Flamingo Tongue by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
For some reason I'm obsessed with these. They are basically sea slugs and eat the algae off the surface of coral. Getting a shot of one of these that's sharp when the sea fan it's sitting on is shifting in the current is really, really hard. Low res version to fit on the forum.
Sea Fan Silhouette by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
Entered this into a competition already, I did giggle when the judge said it was a very unusual sunset Not sure they picked up on the "sea" in the "Sea Fan Silhouette" title
Into the Blue by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
As you can see, once the squid ran out the stingray leaves and swims off into the blue...