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What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Mon 15 Jul 2013, 21:42
by Nina
Just wondered if anyone knows what this fruit tastes like. I have seen it before and it is called breadfruit.
Taken on a market stall in Surrey street earlier today with my phone. :)

mob- Breadfruit.jpg
mob- Breadfruit.jpg (489.11 KiB) Viewed 2555 times

Re: What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Mon 15 Jul 2013, 23:26
by Mike Farley
Have never tasted it myself, but from what I have heard opinion is divided.

Re: What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Tue 16 Jul 2013, 18:15
by Nina
Thanks for the comment Mike! Not impressed with my mobile phone picture then? :D

Re: What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Tue 16 Jul 2013, 22:09
by davidc
I still think you should buy some and bring it along for us all to try :)

Re: What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Tue 16 Jul 2013, 23:15
by Mike Farley
Nina wrote:Thanks for the comment Mike! Not impressed with my mobile phone picture then? :D

I was responding to the taste (of the breadfruit) question. As this is the Photo Sharing forum, I refrained from other comment, but it is a good example of what modern cameraphones are capable of achieving.

Re: What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 16:31
by Nina
Oh OK. I think some comment on the images may be nice on the sharing forum as well. I like comments, good or bad as they promote discussion. I have given up posting on the critique forum as no one has bothered to critique. I think maybe I need to be patient! :D :D :D

Re: What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 13:34
by davidc
Critique then, as a record shot it's pretty good. Well exposed for a large, flat fairly bright area - there is still visible detail. Also, showing it cut in half with other samples around it is good for additional context and information.

Compisitionally it's almost dead centre but with the interesting interior bits off to the right I think you've got away with it.

Good quality shot too, I'd have not immediately suspected a camera phone.

So in all those respects it's perfectly fine - but in terms of impact/emotion it's rather dead. It interests me in a "what is it and what does it taste like" sense but after those thoughts pass, I'd have moved on.

I'm far from expert but don't think it'd do THAT well in competition :)

Re: What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 13:35
by davidc
Actually I forgot that stereotypical judge comment - it'd be better if you could see the whole animal/mineral/vegetable/breadfruit ;)

Re: What have I found on Croydon market?

Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 14:48
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:Critique then, as a record shot it's pretty good. Well exposed for a large, flat fairly bright area - there is still visible detail. Also, showing it cut in half with other samples around it is good for additional context and information.

Compisitionally it's almost dead centre but with the interesting interior bits off to the right I think you've got away with it.

Good quality shot too, I'd have not immediately suspected a camera phone.

So in all those respects it's perfectly fine - but in terms of impact/emotion it's rather dead. It interests me in a "what is it and what does it taste like" sense but after those thoughts pass, I'd have moved on.

I'm far from expert but don't think it'd do THAT well in competition :)

I have to agree with Dave on this one. It's competently executed, but there is nothing to hold the attention beyond "so that's what they look like inside".