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PAD 277 - Escalator

Posted: Tue 22 Oct 2013, 19:28
by Mike Farley
Day 277 and the Tate Modern is one of my favourite buildings to take photographs - its design just seems to offer so many opportunities. I went up and down this ecalator several times omce I spotted the potential for this shot.

Panasonic DMC-G3
Leica DG Summilux 25 f/1.4 (50 mm equivalent for 35 mm)
1/60 sec
ISO 800

Re: PAD 277 - Escalator

Posted: Wed 23 Oct 2013, 11:32
by Paul Heester
Wow, there is alot to commend this shot and you should definitely submit for one of the competitions! All the people are nicely separated, the lady in the top middle with her leg slightly bent is a good focal point. The man on the escalator looking to the side adds another element, also the lighter pane of glass intersecting his head separates the upper and lower floors nicely.

Re: PAD 277 - Escalator

Posted: Wed 23 Oct 2013, 11:39
by Mike Farley
Thanks, Paul. I had several attempts and this was the only shot where everything really came together. If anyone had been observing me, they would probably wonder what I was doing going up and down the escalator so many times. ;)

I am going against my natural inclination and will be entering club competitions for the remainder of this season, having started with the first DPI competition. I have not yet planned my entries, but I agree that this is a contender.