PAD 331 - Red Pepper

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Mike Farley
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PAD 331 - Red Pepper

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 28 Nov 2013, 10:39

Day 331 and I experimented with a graphic shot consisting of a circle inside a square.

Canon EOS 7D
EF 100 f/2.8 macro
87 secs
ISO 100
Cable release

I had real problems with this shot in eliminating reflections from the plate. The subject really needed a light tent which I do not possess and even in a room with very little direct lighting and using diffusers I could not entirely lose the unwanted glare. In the end, I set everything up in a darkened area and made a very long exposure, which seems to have worked tolerably well.
Red Pepper.jpg
Red Pepper
Red Pepper.jpg (123.96 KiB) Viewed 852 times

Mike Farley
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Paul Heester
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Re: PAD 331 - Red Pepper

Postby Paul Heester » Thu 28 Nov 2013, 14:17

Eliminating all the shadows and reflections has really given the image a clean graphical feel.
Last edited by Paul Heester on Fri 29 Nov 2013, 14:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PAD 331 - Red Pepper

Postby davidc » Thu 28 Nov 2013, 15:31

I like it, overall, but one part I still can't decide on - the "internal" reflection of the red pepper on the white plate. I can't decide if I like it or if I don't! Still, doesn't detract at all from the image.
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