David's Project 365

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Paul Heester
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby Paul Heester » Tue 12 Feb 2013, 07:31

I think the splash shot is one of your best so far :) Love the colour and the rays towards the camera, also how one of them "bends" around the splash itself. It has an almost CGI effect as its lit so well. I would say well worth the amount of shooting time you spent on it. I will try a splash shot later in the year maybe around the "cookie splash" effect (have a google of that).
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Tue 12 Feb 2013, 07:55

Thank you! :)

I though the same about the lines warping too, wasn't sure it would work when I set it up but I like the outcome. Will check what you mean about a cookie splash, think I know what you mean :)

Yesterday's shot was based on a sort of similar idea, will add a post once I get to work.

Thanks again :D
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#42 - Undersplash!

Postby davidc » Tue 12 Feb 2013, 08:30

Inspired by yesterday's water droplet photography I noticed the water made interesting shapes beneath the surface as the drops impacted and decided to try to capture the interesting patterns formed.
To achieve this, it's lit from behind by my YN560-II @1/32 power bounced off a plain white card background then I dropped food colouring directly into a wine glass filled with water. I pre-focused to make sure my chance of getting as much sharp as possible was maximised.

This particular shot was achieved with the aid of my glamorous photography assistant dropping the food colouring in :)

Undersplash! - 42/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

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#42 - Ink

Postby davidc » Tue 12 Feb 2013, 22:06

Thanks to my friend Ricky for posing, I thought his new tattoo would look good in low key mono.

Strobist - YN560 right through softbox on 1/16th power, approx 20cm

Ink - 42/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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#44 - Childhood, Memories

Postby davidc » Wed 13 Feb 2013, 23:45

This camera was responsible for almost every single shot taken of me as a child so when I found it in my Dad's house I decided to borrow it and give it a new lease of life. So it's quite a special little camera and - being full manual - I've a new found respect for the results my dad got out of it!
Today was not a good day for taking pictures, stupidly busy at work and the annual Nature competition at camera club meant little free time and I'd been lacking inspiration all day.

This shot may look simple but is more complex than it first appears and it has a number of elements. Lit from the right by my YN560-II @1/32 power through the softbox, I tried feathering the light so I didn't cause glaring brightness and blown highlights. The YN460 is pointed at the backdrop, almost imperceptibly so, but I now have no time - or energy - to reshoot it. Looked different on the back of the camera :(

Finally, a reflector held camera left added a specular highlight to the very edge of the old camera.
The camera itself was suspended off the floor on a lightstand. This is a composite of three images - the best of the right hand highlights, the best of the left hand, and one without the camera in shot to give the even backgronud and the appearance it's levitating in space. Wanted to try that specifically sometime, the technique is OK but with the bland background I don't think it's worked so well.

The text is an idea for a motif I have that I might try out in future.


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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Thu 14 Feb 2013, 11:14

lol I think I need to plan shots better. Even though I really like how the lighting has come out on the camera this is the worst shot I've ever taken in terms of internet response, even more so than my first ever model photoshoot :D

Must. Try. Harder.
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby Rose » Thu 14 Feb 2013, 12:28

LOL... Looks like it was a late night David ! Well done on your images in last night's comp by the way :D
Perhaps you need to try less, not more ? How about a theme for next week's images of "keep it simple" ?? ;) ;)

BTW, my Dad had a Zeiss SLR and my mother a Contica. My first camera was a Kodak 126 http://tinyurl.com/cg3wuwu and I was only allowed to use B&W film... colour film was far too expensive to 'waste' on a child !
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Thu 14 Feb 2013, 12:38

I was wondering the exact same thing last night...

Problem is when I try something the first thing I think of was "did that challenge me, did I learn something there?" and if I end up not learning it frustrates me into doing something else. e.g. last night was using layers in PS more than I ever have and experimenting with reflector orientation to get the highlight I wanted. It's just a shame when the result isn't as good.

Still... can't have every day doing as well as every other, rough with the smooth and all that!
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Peter Boughton
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby Peter Boughton » Thu 14 Feb 2013, 13:36

I think in this case it's not a question of good/bad/effort involved - whatever you do, you were aiming for a picture of a camera on a blank background, and what you've achieved is a picture of a camera on a blank background, which (aside from potential sentimental value) has limited interest for most people (particular those that don't read what's behind the shot).

For a more interesting/appealing take on the camera itself, perhaps a collage of close-ups of isolated parts - the texture of the leather, the detail of the lens, etc?

Or going down the memories path, could you somehow interlace the camera with the pictures it took - digital scans, or having the backdrop being some of its physical photos, or similar?

Don't know how interesting those might be to people, but in theory at least, they enable you to more visibly put your mark on, if that makes sense?
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Thu 14 Feb 2013, 14:08

Yep it does, cheers.
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