Club Exhibition Opening and Private View

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Club Exhibition Opening and Private View

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 12 Mar 2013, 10:26

My thanks to everyone who braved the unseasonably cold conditions to attend last night's private view when our guest of honour, Joe Partridge, formally opened the exhibition. The feedback which I have received from both members and others about the exhibition and quality of the images has all been very positive. It is no exaggeration on my part when I say that this is easily the best show which I have seen put on at the gallery. All who have images on display can justifiably take pride in their contribution to what has been achieved.

An exhibition of this quality does not occur by chance and this success reflects the hard work put in by the organising committee which is chaired by Bill Yates. Others on the committee are:

Nina Ludwig
Chris Davis
Ron Barker
Wally Conquy

We all owe them our gratitude for their not inconsiderable efforts on our behalf.

There are others who should also be mentioned for their roles in helping the exhibition come about.

Richard Frankfurt Photographic has sponsored our exhibition for many years and we are very grateful for this continuing support. I am pleased that Richard was at last night's event and he commented very favourably on what he saw. Richard's company is local and sells a large range of photographic goods, being a good source for items such as printer ink and photographic paper. With on site parking, it is very convenient to collect whatever is needed from Richard's friendly team.

Another local company which has helped us with the loan of a television to display our projected images, both slide and digital, is Richer Sounds. This has allowed us to resolve the problem of previous years when it has only been possible to have a limited viewing of these pictures. They are now on display in a rolling slideshow for the duration of the exhibition.

Finally, but not least, I am also grateful to Jack Bates, a longstanding friend of the club who stepped in at the last moment to do the judging when the original judge was unable to attend.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog -
Ronald Barker
Posts: 158
Joined: Thu 13 Sep 2012, 08:50

Re: Club Exhibition Opening and Private View

Postby Ronald Barker » Tue 12 Mar 2013, 18:08

Thank you Mike for your comments. I would also like to thank Mike for his help on the Sunday hanging the prints. Thanks must also go to the two young ladies who sold the raffle tickets who managed to raise a large amount for our funds.
If you were unable to be at the opening evening I fully recommend that you to the exhibition during the next 2 weeks that it is on. The manager of the gallery said to me that the exhibition is the best that has been put on,and it was well thought out.
To help future committee's organising the exhibitions your comments would be most grateful.

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