David's Project 365

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#130 - In Need of Surgery

Postby davidc » Wed 15 May 2013, 11:42

Went for a walk around Spitalfields. These abandoned bicycles, often broken beyond repair, are quite a common sight around London.

Seeing this one all smashed up within metres of the Cycle Surgery seemed suitably ironic to me!

In Need of Surgery - 130/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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#131 - A Storm Brews

Postby davidc » Wed 15 May 2013, 11:44

Out in London with friends I tried to get some shots of the jellyfish in the aquarium - far too dark and it felt like cheating anyway, not actually diving with them :)

Came out and saw this spectacular sky though.

A Storm Brews - 131/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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#132 - After the Fire

Postby davidc » Wed 15 May 2013, 11:44

Not much time today but I did see this tiny, lone flower sprouting out from the ash of our last bonfire. The colour really stood out.

After the Fire - 132/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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#133 - Lesson Learned

Postby davidc » Wed 15 May 2013, 11:45

I saw a TRIPLE rainbow today. The weather was unreal - bright sunshine to the east and colossal black rainclouds to the west. I turned around and saw two rainbows, one on top of the other and when I looked closer you could even see another rainbow almost inside the largest one! Snapped off dozens of pictures but when I came to review the dreaded "no card in camera" flashed up.... IDIOT!

Grabbed the nearest one, went back outside and it was almost too late - managed to get this shot of the main rainbow, the much larger (albeit fainter) second rainbow had disappeared but you can still see the weird layering of rainbows beneath it. Pretty cool :)

A reminder to myself - keep the batteries charged and the memory card INSIDE the camera!

Lesson Learned - 133/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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#134 - Finishing Line in Sight!

Postby davidc » Wed 15 May 2013, 11:45

Thanks to this little fella for letting me pick him up and reposition him several times - he was a good sport so I gave him a treat and plonked him on a juicy leaf in the front garden when I was finished.

Fascinating watching him though - look at his eye stalks, they have a black line inside the "sheath" of his outer skin layer. When he comes out of his shell the most curious thing happens, that black line ascends from inside the snail's body and pops out of the end. It's like his eyes are hidden inside! Very cool.

I'm assuming he's a he by the way, I'm not proficient in sexing snails.

Strobist - YN560II lighting the background, just behind the snail facing into the frame on 1/4 power. YN560II just out of frame, left, on 1/128th power lighting the snail through a diffuser.

Finishing Line in Sight! - 134/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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Paul Heester
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Re: #130 - In Need of Surgery

Postby Paul Heester » Wed 15 May 2013, 18:42

Nice story here. Gotta say its amazingly sharp with great DOF. I also looked at it on Flickr and realised its sharper on the forum! Maybe this is because it was resized to exact dimensions but Flickr shows a smaller version??

davidc wrote:Went for a walk around Spitalfields. These abandoned bicycles, often broken beyond repair, are quite a common sight around London.

Seeing this one all smashed up within metres of the Cycle Surgery seemed suitably ironic to me!
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Re: #131 - A Storm Brews

Postby Paul Heester » Wed 15 May 2013, 18:47

Im tempted not to say this (as its on my list) but you will get far better results at the Horniman Museum Aquarium in Forest Hill. Was very impressed on my first visit there (without a camera) and intend to return.

davidc wrote:Out in London with friends I tried to get some shots of the jellyfish in the aquarium - far too dark and it felt like cheating anyway, not actually diving with them :)

Came out and saw this spectacular sky though.

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#135 - Crescent

Postby davidc » Wed 15 May 2013, 23:00

I know they happen every month but I couldn't remember seeing a crescent moon that threw the surface into such sharp relief! So decided a quick snap would be today's image.

The Apollo 11 landing site is near the centre of the crescent - you can see two quite prominent overlapping craters near the middle and then following the crescent up another little crater "bump" before the smoother plains of the "lunar mare" (darker grey flatlands). Apollo 11 landed just north of that crater bump.

Apollo 17, the last landing, landed further north of that - follow the crescent up from Apollo 11 and when you hit the tiny crater right on the terminator between light and dark head north east from there - once you hit the more rugged terrain that's roughly where the last men who stood on the moon visited.

Crescent - 135/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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#136 - Spark

Postby davidc » Fri 17 May 2013, 10:30

I first realised there might have been a photo here last week when I was experimenting but haven't managed to get a result I've liked until now. I like this :) Especially the vapourised metal shooting off the oven ring after the spark has struck!

Used my macro lens and the full range of extension tubes to get as close as I possibly could to the action then focused manually to get as much of the spark (and secondary sparks) in focus as possible - at f2.8 my DOF was NOT large!

Strobist - YN560II through diffuser lighting the sparkplug and oven hob ring, 1/128th power about 5cm away.

Spark - 136/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Fri 17 May 2013, 15:33

Set myself a mini challenge today. A roll of kodak film, 36 shots. I've also followed the advice of a chap online who says that although the box says iso 400, set the camera to 100 and shoot like that.

I could therefore end up with a roll completely overexposed and useless or 36 new masterpieces... ;)
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