Now Mike Johnston at TOP solicits the views of Sony A7/S/R users. Some interesting responses to the earlier post for the Fuji X-T1 from people who have owned both that and the E-M1. I have not done any scientific analysis, but it seemed to me that slightly more more selling off the Fuji in favour of the Olympus than the other way around. ... nions.htmlIn the meantime, Thom Hogan reckons that Canonikon will soon be entering the mirrorless market with serious intent, maybe as early as next year. ... oblem.htmlIt seems to me that Canon has been making more or less the same camera for the past five years*, seemingly marking time while Nikon and Sony march on with enhanced sensor designs. Even before that, it was content to let Nikon play catch up while the 20D received just minor updates to become the 30D and was essentially the same camera. There are rumours that the 7D update will have new sensor technology and I wonder if in the interim Canon has quietly been working on that "disruptive technology" to which Hogan refers?
* In the case of the 7D, it has been the
same camera.