So Tuesday was a nice sunny day, until about ten minutes before I was going to take lunch. :/
I wasn't too bothered by that though, since earlier in the day I had noticed some nice light on the buildings beside East Croydon station and taken a picture of them, not specifically as a mono - we moved office a couple of weeks back, and I've been waiting for them to get nice light - but I figured it'd probably work ok anyway. However, when I converted it earlier I decided I wasn't happy with how it came out, so I'm using a different shot for toady.
I had been discussing with a colleague about how most of the windows have a covering which gives random distortions and had caused blurred bits on some photos I'd taken yesterday, and pointed out a scene saying something like "see I like that, but at this angle it'd definitely be affected", but then decided to take the shot anyway; maybe I could work with the blurring or something.
So yeah, here's the result - it uses the Selenium Lightroom preset (but modified) which hopefully adds to the slightly spooky feel, and a custom tone curve to increase the contrast in the sky. It's late (again) so I'll give more complete details on the processing another day.
Day 3 - Five in Five
- Peter Boughton
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Re: Day 3 - Five in Five
@Mike - The cropped version is definitely better though personally I think the shot of the leaflet girl is stronger
- Posts: 7316
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Re: Day 3 - Five in Five
davidc wrote:@Mike - The cropped version is definitely better though personally I think the shot of the leaflet girl is stronger
I see what you mean about the two shots. In some ways the main image does not quite make it, but in other respects it does have more impact. If I were to enter both into competition, I would be more confident of the judge's response to the portrait. But then again, photography is not always about playing safe.
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