Day 5 - Five in Five

Post pictures you simply want to share with others. (Use "Image Critique" if you want to obtain feedback.)
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Re: Day 5 - Five in Five

Postby Mata » Sat 22 Nov 2014, 19:25

Peter – I agree. It is easy to get lazy and forget we are communicating with another human being.

Same goes for ‘Social media’. Everything gets generalised and grouped together and we forget what we actually mean. Twitter and Facebook serve different needs to ‘Flicker, Dropbox and other file/photo sharing sites. Your point taken.

Davidc – All help kindly accepted. You are a little ahead for me as I was planning to start my research into various platforms to use and share next month.

I have already decided to do a personal photography website inclusive of e-commerce. I have a personal site already and have done a few websites for other people so have the general understanding of what’s what.

For the photography site I am looking to create something that will have a visual impact. I had pencilled in March so have few months to get myself organised. It will start off a static display site and gradually evolve. I want to make sure all the components are inbuilt at the offset that can be enabled as I progress.

As it happens I was going to post a note on your forum article on ‘Strobism’? I need a set of lights, flashes, triggers and other bits and pieces. . Just to check if anything on the list has been upgraded since the article was written.
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Re: Day 5 - Five in Five

Postby davidc » Sun 23 Nov 2014, 06:22

Mata - please PM if you'd like to discuss social media/onlinefile storage options in private.
Check out my website -
My Top 50 album is here

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