Sigma DP2 Quattro Review

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Mike Farley
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Sigma DP2 Quattro Review

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 13 Feb 2015, 09:32

Ming Thein's real strength is as an equipment reviewer, but he has not done so many of these recently. He says he is having difficulty in persuading local manufacturer representatives to lend him equipment and he has to pay import duty on anything which comes from abroad, even if it is only on loan. It seems that his approach in calling it as he sees it, while great for the consumer, does not always suit the camera companies. Clearly there is a fine line in reviewing equipment and maintaining objectivity.

So here is a rare review of the Sigma DP2 Quattro, the successor to the Merrill cameras we were discussing here recently. Although Thein does not say, as with his earlier review of the DP3 Merrill I suspect he borrowed the camera from the friend who does his printing and is a fan of the range. ... 2-quattro/

How does Sigma get so much so wrong? The image quality is amazing, but Sigma puts you through a lot to get there and has compounded problems with the earlier cameras by introducing a body design which few people have managed to find a comfortable way of holding. Yesterday I was experimenting with Sigma's Raw conversion software, Sigma Photo Pro, which is effectively the only option available. The image I was manipulating had blown highlights according to SPP. To my amazement these reduced when I increased the Fill Light control to boost the shadows. Eh?

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Re: Sigma DP2 Quattro Review

Postby davidc » Mon 16 Feb 2015, 02:19

Actually I've found exactly the same issue - maybe not surprising given our relative locations, it's probably a cultural thing? Some organisations seem to show a lack of trust, others don't even bother replying (I'm looking at you Canon). Some are pretty good though, Samsung especially, but the most common response seems to be they don't have the kit to loan out. I did a bit of digging on this because I found it hard to believe and it's quite peculiar! Rather than keep a small stock of review kit to be used to generate interest for sales, they just sell it. No review stock at all for many items. It's bewildering. And massively annoying :)

For the DP2 quattro I was asked why I even wanted to bother! This from the official distributor!
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Re: Sigma DP2 Quattro Review

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 16 Feb 2015, 19:15

Strange behaviour, but I suspect that the big boys prefer to rely on the likes of DPReview which are a known quantity. Lending kit to a relative unknown could represent a risk. At least one manufacturer told Thein that there was no kit available unless they were guaranteed a 100% good review.

Samsung, despite producing some well received cameras, is still trying to gain market acceptance, so likely it is more prepared to chance a poor review.

The response to the request for a loan of a Sigma DP2 Quattro is just weird. It sounds as though the person involved is in the wrong job.

Is it also possible that in some instances that you have been lied to about the absence of review kit?

By chance, I just happened to see Black and White Photography's review of the DP2 Quattro. The magazine tends to like every camera it tests and the DP2 was no exception, scoring 93% which is around the average mark. B&W probably does not have the largest circulation and possibly it is worried that it will not get review kit if it is too critical. Being so generous with the marks does not do much for its credibility, though.

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Re: Sigma DP2 Quattro Review

Postby davidc » Tue 17 Feb 2015, 05:05

Being lied to was one option I'd considered but I think it's unlikely. Enquiries either result in getting what I've asked for, told there is a waiting list (which I quite naturally realise I'm near the bottom of) or I've been told that they don't have any because their boss sold it to generate more profit for quarter end. They have no reason to lie in those cases - I think if they don't want to get involved with an unknown they do what the likes of Canon & Nikon do and just flat out ignore requests! Sony, for example, invited me to the a7ii launch event but still don't have a review unit available - so they've made up for it with some other options. It's the likes of Sigma & Tamron that confuse me though, they have good stuff, need local exposure and do bugger all about it.

Compared to the UK situation it's a much different way of working over here, hugely so. Mostly frustrating!
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Re: Sigma DP2 Quattro Review

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 17 Feb 2015, 08:16

Your story about the Sony A7II launch event reminded of an occasion last year when they did a promotion for the A7 range at Amateur Photographer's offices which I went to. Being Sony, the system has cameras but lacks lenses and one feature which they were promoting was the ability to use those from Canon and Nikon instead. There were supposed to be adapters available so that we could try our own lenses on the A7 bodies, so I lugged my DSLR gear there, only to find that they had forgotten to bring the adapters. The rep advised me to go to Jessops to try them out.

Mike Farley
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