Invitation from Old Coulsdon Camera Club

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Joined: Thu 13 Sep 2012, 22:52

Invitation from Old Coulsdon Camera Club

Postby Canonballer » Mon 20 Apr 2015, 20:00


Apologies for the very short notice given for this event (it was only sent to me yesterday and I wasn't around to forward or promote it) but please see following invitation from the Secretary of Old Coulsdon Camera Club regarding an event there tomorrow evening at 7.45 for 8pm


Tuesday 21 April - Home Studio Flower Portraits

Fine Art photographer Polina Plotnikova will be talking about her methods and showing some of her fabulous photos. Her web site speaks for itself. She says....

My photographic style developed through my love and knowledge of art. Modern technology equips you with some amazing tools that the artists of the past could not even dream of - but the main task is essentially the same: to draw the viewer in, so that they can share your vision and tune into the emotions that you are trying to convey.

She is also part of the Mirage Group

Visitors £3 at the door (refundable on joining)
Location Old Coulsdon Congregational Church, Cameron Hall CR5 1HA - 7.45 for 8pm

Lynda Morris
OCCC Secretary


Dave Newman

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