Postby Mike Farley » Wed 03 Sep 2014, 17:19
Hi Keith
I agree with everything that Paul has said. I would also add that the diagonals formed by the paving slabs provide neat lead in lines towards the shelter. Together with the use of the long exposure to add a bit of drama to the sky and the conversion to mono, you have done well with this subject. You have been unfortunate that the lines in the clouds do not coincide with the position of the shelter, which is no doubt why you felt it was necessary not to leave so much dead space on the right. Did you try changing your position to get the clouds better placed? I appeciate that so doing might have compromised the effect of the lead in lines of the paving. You also seem to have taken the shot holding the camera at a normal height and I do wonder if lowering it would help emphasise the paving more and put the shelter against the sky. It would also help reduce the background on the right which is distracting.
We do ask that people submitting images for critique supply the technical information for the exposure as this can sometimes have a bearing on the comments which reviewers wish to make. For example, I would like to know if a wide-angle lens was used as this is one method to bring out an interesting foreground such as you have here.