A Cast Net

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A Cast Net

Postby davidc » Tue 28 Oct 2014, 14:19

Would appreciate some thoughts & advice on this one, I'm unsure what the best treatment is. I've included a version of the original file if you want to download/have a go yourself.

6d + 24-70 @ 70mm
iso 100
1/400th sec

As you can see I've cleaned up the image from what I originally shot. What I'm not sure is the processing to make the net pop against the water. I wondered about really high key mono but it didn't work quite right, though I'm trying again. Interested to see what others can make of it.

Mono conversion done in SEP2 then tweaked further in PS.

Casting Off_lo.jpg
(1.28 MiB) Not downloaded yet

Original shot -

(956.91 KiB) Not downloaded yet
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Re: A Cast Net

Postby davidb » Wed 29 Oct 2014, 01:51

I think the mono treatment works a lot better than the original colour image and I like the flip. I might have cropped a bit more off the top (not a lot, though) and a bit more off the right (the boat but again not a lot)

I really like this shot - I'm envious.
Casting%20Off_lo.jpg (86.73 KiB) Viewed 6681 times

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Re: A Cast Net

Postby davidc » Wed 29 Oct 2014, 04:28

Cheers and I agree about the top crop. What about the mono conversion, too harsh?
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Mike Farley
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Re: A Cast Net

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 29 Oct 2014, 10:14

Here's my take. It needs some more work to boost the tones on the figure and reduce the highlight on the boat, but I was mainly concentrating on bringing out the texture in the net.

I increased clarity in ACR, then enhanced the Per Channel Contrast in Levels. I converted to mono in SEP2 using one of my custom presets, before adjusting contrast and structure, both globally and as local adjustments. Finally, I added a vignette and some modest silver toning.

I am not sure about the shadow of the net being cropped at the edge, but that would be simple enough to correct and see if it improves the shot, which I like incidentally.
Mike's version
IMG_6150_mf.jpg (209.54 KiB) Viewed 6674 times

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Re: A Cast Net

Postby davidc » Wed 29 Oct 2014, 11:04

I'd completely missed the cropping of the shadow, I'll revisit that.

thanks chaps!
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Re: A Cast Net

Postby davidb » Wed 29 Oct 2014, 13:20

I'd completely missed the cropping of the shadow, I'll revisit that.

I think you'll find that the shadow has been cut off on the original.

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Re: A Cast Net

Postby davidb » Wed 29 Oct 2014, 13:29

Just seen the "Final" version in Photo Sharing. The IMG file that I viewed didn't have the corner of the net's shadow. Where did you get it from?

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Re: A Cast Net

Postby davidc » Thu 30 Oct 2014, 00:29

I created it myself. Extended the canvas (which you can tell by the straight lines of waves on the left side of the image, need to fix that) which also extended the shadow. I then selectively cloned out bits of the "stretched shadow" to make it represent the shape of the net as closely as I could.
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Re: A Cast Net

Postby davidb » Thu 30 Oct 2014, 00:33

I created it myself. Extended the canvas (which you can tell by the straight lines of waves on the left side of the image, need to fix that) which also extended the shadow. I then selectively cloned out bits of the "stretched shadow" to make it represent the shape of the net as closely as I could.

I'll have to try and remember the process - it may be useful in the future. Pity it will be lost amongst so many posts!

Could a new subject be created in the Board Index (perhaps called "HOW WE DID IT" or something like it) where this sort of thing can be listed?

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Re: A Cast Net

Postby davidc » Thu 30 Oct 2014, 01:11

I can try and do a step by step guide for this one if you like? Other people elsewhere have asked how I improved the By Candlelight shot too, I even wondered about doing video guides if that would be useful?

Will try and write something up for it today.
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