Catch light

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Joined: Mon 04 Feb 2013, 19:31

Catch light

Postby svisilian » Fri 22 Feb 2013, 17:14

Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Catch light

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 24 Feb 2013, 09:37

This is a more traditional portrait compared to that in your Simple Light post and more conventionally cropped. I am not sure whether the out of focus books in the background help or not, especially as they are specifically referenced in the title. Did they just happen to be there or is the subject an avid reader? We are not given enough information to know, which might be the intention. It would provide more relevance to the viewer if this was explained, perhaps by having the subject hold a book, for example.

Mike Farley
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